At 12:41 PM 2/12/03, Mafud wrote:
I used to be a photographer at dog shows. It took
about two shows for me to discover that most of the
male professional handlers and groomers, even a vet or
two, were homosexuals. A lot of "Hair Stylists",
barbers and "Cosmetologists" are Gay;
but you already knew that, didn't you?
Some police officers, architects, software engineers, soldiers, carpenters, lawyers, truck drivers, football players, authors, politicians and photographers are gay, too. What does that have to do with anything?

You failed to comprehend the intent of my statement I
quote here:
"**With the caution that many of them are Gay and may
take your approach as a come-on."
The words and phraseology in the sentence should have
given you a clue. You decided to ignore what you read
to make a snide comment.
What snide comment? Since you specifically pointed out that gay florists might take a request for photographic access to be a pass, I wondered if heterosexual florists do that as well. You claim to be including it for informational purposes, it's only fair to include other relevant information. My guess is that you just wanted to spread a little of your homophobia and now you're incensed that someone takes issue with it.

My comments on Gay florists spoke a truth you probably
knew already but also chose to ignore.
I do not know as truth that gay florists interpret photographic requests as an invitation to sex. I don't think anyone outside your community of small-minded homophobes "know" that.

here's something else you already know: some Gays,
just like other men, are aggressive. A single man
drifting around in a warehouse full of flowers taking
pictures would draw attention, as if the person was
So if you were alone in a camera shop looking at cameras, would a gay camera shop employee think you were there because you wanted to have sex with him? Or is this behavior confined to florists? If so, again, does it also apply to heterosexual florists? Is this part of the florists' training?

You ought to try going around florists, see if it what
I observed is true. You might get thrill.
The florists I know are professional, no matter their orientation.

Nothing like making an issue of an innocent
Your "observation" was not innocent. It was inflammatory, prejudicial and informed by your discomfort with your own sexuality. You are, of course, free to hold such opinions, but if you insist on trying to peddle them here, prepare to be challenged.


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