On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:39:50 -0500, you wrote:

>On the question of 2D of the images. Does the compression effect have any
>tie in with the 1.6X lens factor of the digital sensor? Great overall images

The 600/4 lens plus 1.4x TC equals 840mm/f5.6. Multiplying the 1.5x
Field of View crop of the DSLR makes it look similar to 1260mm/f5.6. 

For all practical purposes, I was shooting at 1260mm/f5.6, and using
about 50mm of extension. This is not a perspective one usually
encounters, so the overall effect looks a little odd even to me.

Here's one that looks almost clinical... macro shooting at 1260mm/f5.6
and 1/125? It's different, to be sure.


John Mustarde

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