I've been asked the details of the modification:

I used the back plate from an old Spiratone Bellowscope. The Spiratone
back plate (T-mount) is almost exactly the same size as the Bellows K
back plate. So I just stuck the Spiratone plate to the Bellows K as if
it fit there normally.

But it would not stay in place - the Spiratone plate is a tiny bit
smaller in diameter than the Bellows K plate. The Pentax locking screw
was not long enough to lock the Spiratone flange into position. 

I had to buy a longer 3mm diameter locking screw, and grind it to a
point, to get the Spiratone T-mount to lock into place firmly. Finger
tight was not good enough - I had to use a screwdriver and make the
locking screw dig a little dimple in the flange of the Spiratone
plate. Once in place, it became very secure. 

As usual with modern cameras, the hand grip of the D100 would not
allow simple twist-on mounting to the bellows. So I had to remove the
Spiratone mount, attach it to the camera, then slide the mount and
camera straight onto the Bellows K, then use the screwdriver to lock
it down again.

It sounds complicated, but once I got the long locking screw and
screwdriver it was quite easy.  

It would be a lot easier if Pentax would just sell me a DSLR.

John Mustarde

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