I kind of like the incongruity of it, using a digital robo-cam with a
light meter.  It burns me that I'd have to carry a light meter, that
it wouldn't be just another "option".

At 08:33 PM 2/19/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> The type of person who owns and uses these fine old lenses won't
> mind twitching a dial to set exposure... or, horror of horrors,
> carry a light meter... right?

Well, John, for me, it's yes and no...

As an owner of some of "these fine old lenses", I don't mind
"twitching a dial to set exposure", but I'm not at all excited about
the idea of having to lug around a light meter (it's not that it's
not do-able, it's just that it's often not terribly convenient).

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

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