Mine was a story about Mt Buffalo in Victoria for an outdoors/camping sort of magazine. I wrote the article and illustrated it as well. Pity I don't have more time to write and photograph more as I enjoy the combination. I would enjoy it even more if the magazine(s) paid you what your contribution(s) are really worth. The mag I contributed too was selling 75,000 copies a month at $6.00 a copy, and has huge advertising revenue. I got $400.00 for a six page spread with 2,000 words of copy and eight photos. The joys of unsolicited freelance material...

That's pretty much when I decided that there had to be an easier (and more regular) way to make a living. So I completely stuffed my future and got into archaeology...



Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
What was your first published photograph?

Mine was some b&w work for Prison Ministries in Omaha, taken in maximum
Just something for the brochure.
About the same time I did some for Wayne Alderson & his union/management
Again, just something for the brochure.
And, I didn't get paid for either one.
Gotta start somewhere, I guess.



Shaun Canning                                                           
Cultural Heritage Services                                              
High Street, Broadford,
Victoria, 3658.


Phone: 0414-967644

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