
My first and only so far was for the newspaper about a month ago.  It
was a piece on prom dresses and I had taken the photo for the local
rep of the dress line.  No money to be made beyond covering costs on
that one, but it was fun to see it in print.


Sunday, February 23, 2003, 4:54:36 PM, you wrote:

CB> What was your first published photograph?

CB> Mine was some b&w work for Prison Ministries in Omaha, taken in maximum
CB> security.
CB> Just something for the brochure.
CB> About the same time I did some for Wayne Alderson & his union/management
CB> seminars.
CB> Again, just something for the brochure.
CB> And, I didn't get paid for either one.
CB> Gotta start somewhere, I guess.

CB> Collin

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