Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> The idea isn't to get people to switch to your brand, the idea is to
>> keep people from switching to something other than your brand, and to
>> hopefully entice new users to your brand rather than another brand.
>Where's that emergency sentence-parsing decoder ring when I need it?

I remember a brilliant Doonesbury strip from the 1970's in which Richard
Nixon is explaining to Leonid Brezhnev how he handles the press during
difficult times (this strip was done during the Watergate scandal). He
summons the infamous Ron Zeigler (press secretary?) who responds to a
question with "In order to be responsive at this time, let me say that,
as I said - and therefore this is a restatement of what I have said
earlier - that which we are unable to offer in response is based on
information already available."

"Very impressive!" responds Brezhnev.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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