I hope the *ist is the entry level an Pentax releases
a MZ-5/3 replacement and updates the MZ-s ( I like the
body style )  This would be a trump card play on their
part especially if they releas a decent DSLR and
digital back for the 645.

--- KT Takeshita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 03.2.23
10:16 AM, "Iren & Henry Chu"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can tell from Pentax Japan web page, when they
> put *ist in the mid tier
> > of the list of existing cameras.  *ist is placed
> in between MZ-5n and MZ-6
> > and that's how Pentax headquarter people ranks
> them and this is a fact.
> I was told by a reliable Pentax source that the *ist
> is intended as an
> "entry level" camera to compete with the likes of
> Rebel (EOS Kiss) and
> Minolta Alpha Sweet etc.
> It is priced so (65,000 yen), compatible with the
> entry level models from
> other major brands (I am talking about the MSRP, not
> the street prices).
> The fact that it has more feature sets than usual
> entry level means the *ist
> is competitive.  It may be the result of their
> cost-down effort particularly
> in the area of electronics packaging.
> It is also part of the more reduced model/chassis
> line up and Pentax
> probably cannot divide the model line up in smaller
> increments as they did
> before.  MZ series is still showing in the Pentax
> line up but I suppose they
> would be phased out eventually, and the *ist is
> mixed in them in the
> interim.
> However, it is really hard to tell whether Pentax is
> going to announce
> anything lower than the announced *ist model.  It
> probably has a lot to do
> with the DSLR sibling.  And you never know.  Pentax
> might change their mind
> and announce a real stripped down model.
> Cheers,
> Ken

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