Lawrence wrote:

"To most people, a SLR should look like a SLR; it's
hard to make it
"stylish" without looking cheesy.  And *ist D control
layout is well 
and well proven; and it is ergonomically driven.  This
is much more
important than to change everthing just to make it
"look different" 
Canon and Nikon.

On the contrary, *ist D design looks very "Pentax". 
You can black out 
the labels, put it with a D100 and 10D, most people
can identify the
Pentax from 20 feet away.   The compactness and the
low profile is Pentax trademark.  I personally believe
that it would 
*ist D stand out in the store shelf when put side by
side with the 
and Nikon's DSLRs."

I agree. Wouldn't you say that the LX, F3 and F1
looked the same??? Perhaps looking too different can
be a burden?

Does anyone know here how SUCCESSFUL the MZ-S is? Was
it a run away hit or was it a strike out?

While the *ist-D does resemble a Nikon a bit, it
clearly is a Pentax in design and function: good
ergonomics, SMALL, LIGHT, and can use any K lens.

What's not to like?


--- Lawrence Kwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, [iso-8859-1] Pål Jensen wrote:
> > And as the Pentax is too indistinctive apart from
> it size, which is not
> > a selling point among the pro look wannabees,
> I disagree, Pål.
> I don't see anything wrong with *ist D's design; in
> fact, I like it.  The
> worst thing is to try to be different just for the
> sake of being
> different.  Look at Olympus' 4/3 prototype monster,
> would you call that
> distinctive and imaginative enough? I am so thankful
> that Pentax doesn't
> look anything like that.
> So in your mind, what do you mean by stylish?  None
> of the Pentax SLR
> cameras in its history deviates too much from the
> conventional SLR design.
> MZ-S is their boldest - but so what?  It still did
> not stand out in the
> store shelf, and very few people outside the Pentax
> circle paid much
> attention.
> To most people, a SLR should look like a SLR; it's
> hard to make it
> "stylish" without looking cheesy.  And *ist D
> control layout is well honed
> and well proven; and it is ergonomically driven. 
> This is much more
> important than to change everthing just to make it
> "look different" from
> Canon and Nikon.
> On the contrary, *ist D design looks very "Pentax". 
> You can black out all
> the labels, put it with a D100 and 10D, most people
> can identify the
> Pentax from 20 feet away.   The compactness and the
> pentaprism housing's
> low profile is Pentax trademark.  I personally
> believe that it would make
> *ist D stand out in the store shelf when put side by
> side with the Canon's
> and Nikon's DSLRs.
> > now. By July this camera may be uncompetitive.
> Price of the *ist D is
> Huh???  Canon's EOS 10D just announced is not that
> different from *ist D.
> -- 
> --Lawrence Kwan--SMS Info Service/Ringtone
> Convertor--PGP:finger/www--
> -Key ID:0x6D23F3C4--

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