Pål wrote:

"I'm dissapointed by the *ist D because it is strictly
for the K-mount 
base without any vision beyond that. I'm sorry, but my
bet is that the 
*ist D is totally forgotten after PMA except by us.
Hell, its probably 
forgotten already after the news of the new Canon."

Not true. READ dpreview's discussions on the new
*ist-D. people are talking. Plus I think one has see
it in the flesh to appreciate it's small size.

--- _Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lawrence wrote:
> > So in your mind, what do you mean by stylish? 
> None of the Pentax SLR
> > cameras in its history deviates too much from the
> conventional SLR design.
> But they invented that design in 1959. 
> > On the contrary, *ist D design looks very
> "Pentax".  You can black out all
> > the labels, put it with a D100 and 10D, most
> people can identify the
> > Pentax from 20 feet away.   
> I can't. If somebody had blacked out the name I
> would never have guessed the *ist D was a Pentax. My
> bet would have been a new Nikon D80 to replace the
> D100. Perhaps a Minolta but never a Pentax. 
> I don't think Pentax can build their brand
> recognition by looking like Nikon. That didn't work
> for Canon and won't for Pentax. If they insist of
> selling the same thing cheaper than the competition
> they will go bankrupt. 
> I'm dissapointed by the *ist D because it is
> strictly for the K-mount base without any vision
> beyond that. I'm sorry, but my bet is that the *ist
> D is totally forgotten after PMA except by us. Hell,
> its probably forgotten already after the news of the
> new Canon. 
> Pål

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