Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 23:58:07 +0100
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?P=E5l_Jensen?=

> Alexander wrote:
>> Why so? As I said, it is is a new genre of DSLRs.
>> Sure, there will be cameras with higher MPs but
>> will be also much, much  more expensive. People on
>> this list compare different cameras and lenses as
>> they were all for free :-) 

> It is just that I don't think Pentax will be left
alone in this niche, 
> let alone being first. I see absolutely no reasons
why Pentax should be 
> able to undercut the "volume" DSLR makers on price.

I think there are several reasons: 
- The D10 has a magnesium body, while the *ist D has
not. So I ~assume~ it will be cheaper to produce. 
- IMO the *ist D seems to be made for the mass market,
like the film *ist; I expect the DSLR market to
explode once the prices come down; I consider the *ist
D as a step into that direction. 
- Pentax undercut other volume makers on price in the
past: E.g. M-series cameras, zoom P&S cameras, and
also with some optios. Why shouldn't they do it once

Sure there will soon be other makers with economic
DSLRs but the market is growing fast. Competition will
help to enlarge this market.    

>> For being "indistinguishable from Nikon": The N80
>> been a big success for Nikon for good reasons. 

> But theres no reason to asume a similar Pentax would
have sold as well. 

Firstly, it is not exactly "similar" and secondly
there is nothing wrong with copying a successful
concept. Not doing so would ultimately mean
reinventing the wheel.   

> And besides, Nikon gets away with murder: the F50
was market leader in 
> several markets proving that if you have the name
and distribution it 
> doesn't matter what you sell.

That's right, they have a marketing advantage here.
But this does not mean that other cameras will have no
chance. Let's wait and see.   

>> I think the camera is a good move and will be a
>> success. It has a very clear user interface and can
>> a lot. And for my part I don't like overdesigned
>> muscle cameras either. 
> I think you're making the mistake of assuming that
having the product 
> make the customers come. It isn't like that. The
danger is that nobody 
> will notive this camera except those married to the

Sure making a good product is not enough. OTOH having
a good product does certainly not prevent the
customers from buying it. Convincing products will
sell easier. Besides pentax does not have a such a bad
name. Their problem is the high end. This is because
they didn't provide any upgrade to LX and PZ-1 users
for a fairly long time. But this is not the primary
target group of the *ist D. The primary target group
are MZ-shooters and those who want to upgrade from a
P&S camera directly to a DSLR (and not via a film

> Never before have Pentax made such derivative design
as the *ist. Great 
> engineering, great packaging, and probably great
price dissapearing 
> into a body that looks like a Nikon F80 (a camera
that will win no design 
> prices) or, God forbid, that Sigma  DSLR that I
can't remember what 
> looks like. 

I think that is exaggerated. The *ist D looks a bid
like the ZX/MZ-5 if you ask me. That was my first
impression. It definitely looks "Pentax*istic" to me
(size an proportions) (but may be not so much as the
MZ-S, agreed).  

> And again, I don't think that making whats after all
is an expensive 
> digital camera indistingushable from a popular dirt
cheap film slr is 
> actually going to convince anyone. 

I think in fact it is a very simple and effective
> Pål



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