on 04.03.03 13:04, Pål Jensen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The problem is that this is equal to adding a perfect teleconverter to your
> lens with the associated reduction in quality. A lens has a certain resolution
> in line pr. mm. If you reduce the number of lines and then magnify the image
> to the same size as befor the reduction, you're basically degrading the lens
> quality. This is probably the main reason why the manufacturers will make
> dedicated lenses with a image circle matching the sensor size.
You are right. But it would need to be proven in real world tests, which
won't happen, because there's no DSLR with 4/3 CCD. Also DSLRs proven to be
as good, or even better then their fixed-lens counterparts (like Oly
E-10/E-20), despite having small sensors, and lenses with image circle for
35 mm. Of course many depends on electronics in camera. In real world it
could happen that 4/3 CCDs used in such a theoretical DSLR would be a good
combo for standard 35 mm lenses as long as it would have no more than xx
Mpixels... But these are pure speculations, I suspect, that nobody will
produce 35 mm based DSLR with 4/3 CCD anyway :-)

Best Regards

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