Paul Eriksson wrote:

"Does anyone have experience with the Tokina or the Tamron? Cotty don't you
have the Tokina (ATX version) for your D60?" 

The Tokina AT-X 17/3.5 is said to be outstanding. Unfortunately, Tokina has
never made it in Pentax mount. The earlier Tokina SL-17 (RMC) is not nearly
as good as the AT-X. Nor is it anywhere as good as the Tamron SP 17/3.5. It
may even be the same as the Vivitar 19/3.5. The Tamron is said to be
outstanding for its eerie lack of distortion. It has two shortcomings: low
saturation and contrast, and lack of sharpness below f/8, at least in the
corners. Well, on a DSLR, saturation and contrast are easily recovered after
the shot; and the Tamron won't be using its corner glass, just the center,
so sharpness across the frame should improve.

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