What, exactly, is high speed flash sync?  

Sorry for the dumbness again :(

--- Michael Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Levente,
> The *ist appears to be a very robust camera for its
> price and is 
> supposed to have Pentax's latest and best autofocus.
>  If autofocus is 
> important to you, I would wait for that camera.
> As far as those portrait and landscape modes, the
> *ist has them, but you 
> can just ignore them.   The don't really get in the
> way.
> The one advanced feature that is very useful IMO is
> the high-speed flash 
> sync.  I use it all the time for outdoor portraits
> and snapshots.  As 
> far as I know, the only Pentax cameras that offer
> high-speed flash sync 
> are the MZ-S, ZX-L and *ist.  You have to buy the
> AF360-FGZ to get 
> high-speed sync.
> Michael
> Levente -Levi- Littvay wrote:
> >Let me preface that I don't speak the language of
> advanced photography. 
> >My main camera happily works without batteries, and
> even if I put
> >batteries in them all it has is a light meter... 
> (Pentax MX)  I love
> >this, I can say I really learned photography with
> this guy and I am
> >usually getting satisfacorty results.  The features
> on my MX (and backup
> >ME Super SE) and M series lenses is what I
> understand.  Never have been
> >exposed to more.  (I am absolutely serious...
> though I looked up what a
> >mirrir lockup means when I considered buying a KX,
> now that I think of
> >it I also know what multi exposure is :))
> >
> >Let's say I want to upgrade.  I know that A lenses
> allow the camera to
> >automatically set apeture and the FA lenses can
> autofocus.  But nothing
> >more (like what the dif is between AF and AF2,
> etc.)
> >
> >What camera should I get?  Can someone compare the
> *ist to the models of
> >choice from the MZ or ZX series.  What are the
> features and differences
> >between features or feel, what those features mean,
> how useful they are,
> >etc.
> >
> >Let me just say that I try to be serious about my
> photography so I
> >prefer a camera with features that make sence to
> photographers and not
> >bozos.  Even if I can't use them now, I would
> rather learn pro features
> >then set the camera to the "Portrait or Landscape"
> feature and let it do
> >its thing.  I can see from
> http://www.bdimitrov.de/kmp/ that the ZX-6,
> >7, 10, 30 50 has these features.  I don't
> understand what these do but
> >this sounds extremely fishy.  Are these useful? 
> Does the *ist have
> >these?  On the other hand I don't know what the
> rest (Av, M, P, Tv, Hm,
> >etc.) mean either.  I know there used to be a link
> to explanations but
> >when I was doing only manual work I never bothered
> to read them.  Now I
> >can't find them...
> >
> >I know that the answer could be the size of a novel
> but if you don't
> >mind punding it out...  also if everyone just puts
> in their 2c worth I
> >can put it together... :))  
> >
> >Many Thanks from the rookie of modern photography.
> >
> >L
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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