Hi again,

I really did not plan to dwell so long on this topic, but since several
of you asked me to post from time to time my impressions of the two
systems, here is my first installment.  Until I have enough images shot
with Canon lenses, I will limit myself to a THEORETICAL comparison of
the two systems.  Please do not argue about details, whether I should
give 2 or three pluses, whether something is really-really true or true
only in general.  Please concentrate of the big picture.

Do not forget that this is MY PERSONAL ranking.  YOURS will definitely
differ from mine.  In fact if it didn't, you should jump ship too, as
the comparison below is starkly in favor of Canon.



+++ top design (bodies and lenses are generally small and light, the
user interfaces are generally very clean, design philosophy seems to be
"less is more"; sometimes this leads to leaving out useful features;
"less is more" might not be very true lately, as evidenced from products
like the MZ-S, AF360FGZ, *ist)

 ++ K-mount compatibility --- with the exception of four low-end bodies
and two low-end lenses, all other body-lens combinations work without
any limitations (if it were not for the *ist and FAJ lenses I would have
given 3 stars, and this would have been Pentax's strongest point)

 ++ SMC and ghostless coating

 ++ top lenses in every focal length (sadly, mostly older manual focus

 ++ the Limited lenses (sadly only three lenses at this time)

 ++ the LX, and the system of accessories around it

  + although there are none in production, there are several mechanical
bodies in the system

  + the common K, M and A lenses can be found easily at very low prices
(28/2.8, 35/2.8, 50/1.4, 50/1.7, 100/2.8, 135/2.5, 135/3.5, 200/4)

  + the AF bodies can also control the older flashes

  + smaller theft risk

-- no clear statement about future involvement in the "serious" photo
market (some of you believe in certain rumors, but Pentax had made no
clear statement.  Sorry, I do not consider Paal as a serious PENTAX
statement.  Paal, no offense, but many of your predictions have proven
to be false, and I have not yet developed a good sense of when to
believe you and when not.)

-- no digital SLR (at least not at time of this writing -- 03/2003)

-- no IS, USM, AF teleconverters or AF extension tubes

-- lack of tripod collars on lenses that deserve it: K 200/2.5, A*
200/2.8, FA* 200/2.8, K/M*/A* 300/4, FA* 300/4.5...

-- desirable products lag about 5 years: FA20-35/4, FA24-90/3.5-4.5,
FA28-105/3.2-4.5, modern flash features

-- virtually all FA lenses are cheaply built (the FA* are very good)

-- the second-hand market is VERY small: the good stuff is difficult to
find, there are lots of people who want it, and it is expensive

 - top-of-the-line Pentax = serious amateur from the other manufacturers
(for example MZ-S = Canon 30/Elan 7e)

 - the good new gear is more expensive than from the competition

 - limited support for "modern" flash operation: only two bodies support
flash compensation, high-speed flash, wireless flash

 - the K, M, LX and A bodies are getting old.  Buying a second-hand body
is often a game of luck

 - the LX needs expensive and competent service

 - all silver lenses, including the expensive FA* ones can be easily
scratched, and the scratches look really bad

 - the older bodies cannot control the F-type flashes

 - mechanical K-mount coupling somewhat slow and unprecise

 - few shops carry Pentax gear

Total points: -6  (-4 if the *ist D really comes to the shops)

Canon EOS

+++ leading technology: USM, IS, DO, E-TTL, AF teleconverters, AF
extension tubes

 ++ top lenses in every focal length

 ++ just about every imaginable lens is available; most primes available
in two versions (with two max. apertures)

 ++ unique features: tilt-shift lenses, bodies silent-drive mode,
eye-control, FTM (manual-focusing-override of AF at any time)

 ++ very serious in the digital-SLR area and in the pro world in general

  + 50% of the entire EOS system is available on eBay at any time; 90%
can be seen within a month

  + second-hand items available at top prices

  + most lenses are very-well built; the L lenses are superb

  + most lenses with f >= 200 mm have tripod collars

  + focusing motor is in the lens: the best-fitting motor can be chosen,
and can be placed at the optimal position within the lens

  + electronic aperture control: the aperture can be placed anywhere in
the lens, no mechanical coupling, very fast and precise

  + all photo stores carry many Canon products

  + top support from the 3rd-party manufacturers

-- no support for FD bodies or lenses (there exists an adapter, but you
lose so many features, it's not worth it)

-- flare is not very well controlled

-- the better bodies and lenses are generally larger and heavier; the
amateur stuff is actually smaller than Pentax: Rebel 300V/Ti,

 - no mechanical body in the program

 - higher theft risk

Total points: +11

     _\\|//_     Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0                                           A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov      author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        http://kmp.BDimitrov.de/
   <__>   <__>

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