Użytkownik Nagaraj, Ramesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał:

>IMHO as uncertainty reduces things become less exciting; so photography may not be so 
>much exciting. 
>This may vary from individual to individual and also whether you are pro or ameture. 
>I have not used any digital 
>camera. I would like to hear from other digital user\'s.

As I shoot both film and digital (E-20p) I notice that the latter makes the 
photographer lazy. No need to think a lot, because one can always discard a bad photo 
and shoot another one (and so on) until it's good. The LCD is far from being perfect 
but mostly it's useful enough to see whether the photo is correctly exposed and well 
However, I don't agree with a common opinion that the digital photography makes 
virtually everyone a good photographer. The general, as well as specific, rules and 
principles still must be known to obtain good results and if one doesn't know them, 
the digital won't be of any help...

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