>Yeah.    When I really need a shot I use the E-10 and take 50 shots
>(that's the biblical 50),  One of them will come out, and I erase the
>rest.  It's a way of working that's just not possible with a film (not
>polaroid) camera.  I can see why some pro's really like digital.  OTOH,
>I don't have to work this way often, so film is often a more enjoyable
>medium.  More "enjoyable" becuase I can just have a certain fatalism
>about each shot, knowing that the impact of a  missed shot is little
>more than annoyance.

Interesting. In fact, all my camera originals are saved to CD, except for
the very few that I erase while shooting. That may be only about 5
percent. The optimised shots are also saved in a parallel CD system as
Photoshop files. This way, I can always go back to the originals, just
like having negs around. I tried holding the CDs up to the light, but I'm
derned if I can see anything....


Oh swipe me! He paints with light!
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