Mark Roberts wrote:
> Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> "incantations"??? I knew that SMC glass was reputed to have some magical
> >> properties!

> > Oh, it DOES, Sir! Indeed so!  Love them SMC 50's of the 1.4 variety!
> > "Love they little toes, [etc.]"

> I have three of the 50/1.4 lenses: an FA, an M and an original K. Oh
> wait, I have two of the M series 50.1.4s. Makes a total of four! :-)

Yes, as do I. 
While I didn't plan it that way, I ended up with four M-42's:

Super Takumar vers. II, product #37800, mfg. 10/66 - 11/66
Super Takumar vers. II, product #37801, mfg. 11/66 - 4/69
Super-Multi-Coated Tak, vers. II, Prod. # 37902, mfg. '71 - '72
SMC Takumar, vers. II, product #37908, mfg. '72 - '73

I lucked out and got one fine (near new) K-mount 50mm f/1.4, the super
sharp SMC Pentax, mfg. '75 - '77. 
Reputed to be among the best performing of the 50mm Pentax lenses. 52mm
filter threads...

I think I'll keep one of the two SMC Taks and the K-mount 50, and sell
the other 3. I only need one for my screwmounts and one for the K-mounts.

Good talking 50's with you, Mark!  <g>


> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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