KT Takeshita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 03.6.6 11:44 PM, "Caveman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> get it fast and in digital format please, and quality
>> doesn't matter that much any more

This is untrue. Canon has made their reputation in digital through
consistently increasing the quality of their DSLRs and being two steps
ahead of everyone else in doing so. Since the 1Ds, image quality is
*the* issue in digital.

>This has been true and one of the reasons why Nikon cannot get out of its
>APS size CCD dilemma. Many are predicting that their DSLR won't (and can't)
>go full frame any time soon, precisely because most of the current market
>for their high end DSLR (D1H) is for PJs who do not need higher MP but a
>speed.  It seems that Nikon is going this direction (many more DX lenses
>will come out) at least for another while.

Canon is eating Nikon's lunch in digital and they know it. The 1Ds
dominates the high quality segment of the market. The 1D shoots 8 fps
and produced 4 megapixel images (better than the Nikon D1H). The 10D is
dominating the basic DSLR segment of the market.

There are (fortunately) some people at Nikon who are scared sh*tless by
all this.

>BTW, Matsushita (Panasonic folks) have developed 8mp full frame CCD with
>8fps (this is the published fact).  People are speculating who this CCD is

Why would they sell it to only one camera maker? :-)

>Can't be Canon who already has 11mp full frame CMOS. 

It *could* be for Canon...if they want to upgrade the EOS 1D.
Personally, I think Canon will make their own sensor, though...

>D1H's successor is said to be D1Z that will have 4mp 8fps. 

Finally matching the 1D. So they'd be only *one* step behind Canon!
(Hey, it's an improvement!)

>There is a persistent rumour that Contax N Digital has been discontinued.

Do you think anyone will notice? ;-)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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