Here`s a sample:

I used two bright lights that were on the whole time set up like this:

                 O - 1000 Watt light


   ME                                                     runway


          O - 1000 Watt light

I had the luxury of telling
the models where to stand and how to turn to my assistant so he could take
a shot. I still think you should fly me out ;) If that link doesn`t work let
me know
and I`ll email the pic to you. If you use flash make sure you get a very
fast recycle
time. I used the AC adapter on the AF400T, it was recycling in TTL mode in
4 seconds. I used the flash on one camera for fill with the full body shot
the lights didn`t get out that far when the girls first walked onto the
If you can go and do a rehearsal and take some pics of someone on
the runway it would be very beneficial. Also find out how many models there
will be, then decide on how many shots you want of each model, so you can
figure on when to reload, is there going to be a short intermission so you
can reload?,
or how many cameras am I going to have around my neck?
 I would light up the whole room and forget flash if you can.
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: interesting gig

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steve Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> > Hi Tom,
> >  I did a little fashion show at my daughters school and I
> > used two 1000 watt
> > lamps on tripods on each side of the runway. I setup for a
> > full body shot
> > and
> > a tight bust shot.
> So one strobe for each shot? Got any samples?
> tv

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