Well I own new and old bought new and used.  I love the fact that I can
put almost any lens on any body and get the full capability of the least
capable of lens or body.  I was really looking forward to being able to use
my Vivitar 90-180 and Pentax M*300 on a digital body, even if I didn't plan
to buy one unless it were absolutely necessary.  Now what do I care if I buy
a Pentax Digital?  I'll have to get new lenses anyway so why not get Canon.

Pentax should be troubled by this change in my attitude. I'm probably not alone.
Before they could say, where else will he go, now the answer is anywhere.

At 11:37 PM 6/7/03 +0200, you wrote:
Peter wrote:

> There is no reason for Pentax to also alienate old users at the
> same time, they just have however.

You mean alienating those who never buy anything new from them anyway :o)
I suspect the compatibility issue is nonexistent for 99% of potential buyers.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. --Groucho Marx

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