Most of my lenses are FA so there's no compatibility issue.  From what I
can see, IS lenses are too expensive for what I do, so having those
available is no really an advantage.  Assuming that the Ist*D is
comparable to the 10D, I can't see any good reason to switch.  I do have
my suspicions about the AF quality of Pentax, but I suspect that all AF
technology  will move to the point where brand will make little

BTW, I'm not writing off Nikon quite yet, but I am surprised at how
they are letting Canon dominate this really important pro market
segment.  There's this new Canon print ad where Andre Agassi is holding
up a trophy so that all the PJ's can take his picture.  The shot is from
the top, and everyone is using "those white lenses".  Pentax might be
looking on wistfully, but Nikon must be cringing.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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