At 04:49 PM 6/9/2003 +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:

>OK the D *ist isn't in our hands so we can only speculate based on what's
>reported. So given what is known who of those of us that envisage moving
>digital are likely to purchase a D *ist and why?
>Who of us think it's time to move to the dark side and why?

If, in fact, I can't meter with pre A lenses I will probably pass. I only
own 1 lens that is A or newer and I have also found that finding Pentax AF
primes used is not easy. If I can meter with the older lenses I will
probably buy one. Everything I shoot goes into Photoshop and usually gets
manipulated somehow before reprinting. So a digital camera would save me
time and money. 6 MP is adequate for my needs and I seldom shoot wide angle
so the multiplication factor is not a problem for me.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Demian)

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