Caveman wrote:

> Pål Jensen wrote:
> > A perfect exposure is what I define as a perfect exposure. I want that exposure 
> > within 1/3 of a stop so that I can get what I define as perfect exposure every 
> > time. . 
> Tadaa-badaa-da-daa. Twilight Zone. We're discussing a Something that 
> we're not defining what it is.

I just defined above but you obviously didn't get it. Perfect exposure is what the 
prhotographer think is perfect exposure. It might be different things to different 
people. The point isn't to get corect exposure but the exposure the photographer 
wants. If I want a certain exposure, correct or not, I must be able to nail it 
precisely. Otherwise I just get an exposure in proximity of where I want it. Tools of 
getting exact exposure are precise spotmetering, matrix metering and a fine exposure 
readout scale.


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