Caveman wrote:

> Ahhgad. Here we have a measurbator.

I haven't met single photographer who don't want to nail the exposure dead on. I want 
consistent exposure and I want it without wasting film. 
It is OK to like the LX meter. It is OK to prefer it. But have you actually extensive 
experience with matrix meters calibrated for slide film? Or spotmetering for the 
tonality of various colors? I've used the LX 22 years and know everything about it. It 
cannot give the same precision the 645n or the MZ-S gives and this is important for 
99% of all serious amateurs and professionals alike. 

> If I'm not too pushy:
> - how do you define what a perfectly accurate exposure is

A perfect exposure is what I define as a perfect exposure. I want that exposure within 
1/3 of a stop so that I can get what I define as perfect exposure every time. . 

> - how do you describe the effect of a 1/3 deviation from the above

1/3 stop deviation is clearly visible on film like Velvia. 1/2s off on Velvia may ruin 
a shot. Thats why I want to have 1/3s accuracy. 
You have obviously never received a roll of film with all exposures wuthin 1/3s of the 
correct one. Neither have I with the LX.  The thing is about consistency. Not what 
exactly is correct exposure. You may not want that precision. Thats fine by me.  


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