> I have recently updated and added quite a few equestrian related
> photos to: http://home.ca.inter.net/brooksdj

> Comments are welcomed,skin is thick these days<g>

thick, eh? we'll see <g>

Overall, nice photos. I tried my hand at equestrian stuff not too long ago; it 
was interesting. It took a few missed shots to get the timing part down, but 
that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (I guess the movement is quite 
predictable, deterministic in fact, and they're not going as fast as I thought 
they would). On about 2 jumps, I also tried to exploit the 2.5 fps rate of the 
MZ-S just outta curiousity, and I gotta say: That approach seems like a waste 
of time and film. It clearly didn't stack up at all (for me) to the "one shot 
with good timing" approach.

Overall, the hardest part was positioning myself so that my backgrounds were as 
nice as possible, and not particularly cluttered. I'm guessing that's a 
challenge in general if your not an "official photog" for the event. I got 
lucky since the course I was on was particularly spacious, but judging from the 
photos, it seems like this would be quite difficult at the courses you frequent.

Of them all, I like the "Palgrave Schooling Class" gallery the most; probably 
due to a bit more variety of shots in that one. Along those lines, IN THEORY 
(i.e., "I could be wrong, but...") it seems like it would be a neat thing to 
get more shots of some of the other stuff that happens around the track. When I 
was there, that was some of the stuff that caught my eye the most. Like 
preparation of the horses, etc. I caught a few down-time quiet moments between 
horse and jockey that seemed pretty intimate and added a totally different feel 
to the picture set (which was less than a roll, and honestly not good enough to 
show off anywhere). If I was to shoot it again, I think that may be something 
I'd pay more attention to in order to break the monotony of all the see-the-
horsey-jump photos I got.

As for the website overall, it would help a lot if you added some navigation 
buttons to each of the galleries. Once I click on a gallery and go thru all of 
the photos. There's no easy way to get back to the main page to select another 
gallery. (Aside from re-entering the original URL), my only option is to hit 
the back button a bunch of times, which means that I have to go thru the same 
photos all over again before returning to start.  Get what I mean? You already 
have navigation in most other places, so that's hopefully a pretty trivial (but 
nice) modification.

I guess the other option is to have another window open when a visitor clicks 
on the gallery. But that's way over my head in terms of the how-to's. 

Oh yeah! none of the other (no horsey) gallery links worked for me... but I'm 
guessing you know that already. Hope that was helpful.

How's that skin holding up? :o)

       - jerome

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