> At 07:14 13/6/03 +0000, you wrote:
> >http://home.ca.inter.net/brooksdj
> Hello,
> I had a look at your "Aurora GrandPrix June 06" gallery. My favourite picture is
DSC_2155.jpg. :-) It was really funny to see this one appear in that long sequence of
horse jumps (especially since I had not looked at the thumbnail sheet: it was totally

I did not realize they were doing dog practise stuff until i had to move around the 
lot of small 
dogs  were practising.This is 1 of 2 shots i got.
> You seem to take the picture nearly always during the beginning of the jump. Is 
> there a
photographic/technical reason to avoid the second half of the jump or is it simply a
matter of personal preferences?

This is what Hunter and Jumper riders want to see,the legs just at or over the 
eventers,steepelchase riders look more for the feet landing shots,but there is nothing
close by to go to 
and try it out.
> Great pictures!

Thanks,more to follow.

> Yves
> ----------------------------------------------
> Yves Caudano, Namur, Belgium
> Photography website: http://www.yvescaudano.be
> Physics: http://www.scf.fundp.ac.be/~ycaudano/ 


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