> Dave, maybe you could make your albums open in a new browser window so that 
> the user always have access to your home page. I noticed "Welcome to 
> Groundline.com" Is this going to be your new website?

Eventually it will be Wendy.I'm trying to do this myself and it 's harder than i
As you can see,i do the thumbnails in PS6.I'd have to investigate on the new window 
but i like that one.I know its frustrating to refresh the url all the time.
> Somebody mentioned that it was a bit boring having lots of shots of horses 
> going over jumps - well that's what the clients want to see! Perhaps you 
> could put together a separate small portfolio of varied horse shots for the 
> casual observer and non-client. That would be nice to see.

Actually, the next version of the site has a general equine gallery,which will have
all the "candid" stuff. For the most part,the riders want to see the jumping pictures
Clients want to see that perticular jumping pose,but changing the angle even 10-15 
can make 
a huge difference in how the jump looks.All depends on the course/sun and 

i think you are aware of with the dogs.
The main motive is not just to make money,as Jerome mentioned,but also to supply the 
photo i can.They may be boring but i want to be the best boring equine photographer on 


> Dave doesn't want to be running around like a blue a*sed fly trying to get 
> different shots for the general public, he wants to concentrate on at least 
> one good shot of each rider in the hope that each of those riders will buy 
> a print!

LOL. I tried that the first year i did this.Almost killed me not to mention the 
missed shots. What i do now is pick a division and stay there until its over,
then move to another one.I switch divisons at each show,so hopefully i get ever rider
once a year.
At least with blue a*sed flys i dont have to worry about WNV. :-)
> Oh yes, on a sort of related note - Dave -  you asked a while back about 
> combining photos on one sheet. Like the picture package in photoshop but 
> two different photos. Adobe Photoshop album lets you do it. Fully working 
> starter edition is downloadable and allows you to add 250 photos to the 
> album without having to upgrade.

Thanks Wendy,I had given up looking. I tried some freebys on a site i think was called
the digital source(??) but they were close but not quite.They had a ton of them but i 
tried a few i 
thought might be valid.

> Wendy
> Ottawa, Canada
> http://www.beard-redfern.com


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