----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Lillja"
Subject: Re: Newbie Questions

> Sure, William - If you're willing and able to pay for them. But for a
> new photographer who may be on a limited budget, a third party lens
> (especially a prime in an extreme focal length) can be an excellent
> alternative.
> Are you that ad copy writer for Canon? "If you're not shooting a Canon
> lens, do you really have a Canon camera? blah blah...."

Are you that moron troll that pops up to piss me off from time to time?
The only reason to shoot Pentax bodies is to get to use their lenses.
Otherwise, there are a whole bunch of better options out there.

> Marketing drivel at its best/worst....

Wrongo, nutbar. Experience of a working photographer, whether at it's best
or worst, I don't know, but my customers never had a complaint.

William Robb

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