35/2, 50/1.7 and 35-105 on the PZ1. If you can MF well the 35-105 would be most useful, otherwise stick to the AF primes. A zoom is most useful at the reception, but that is also where AF is most useful. Small groups the 50, big groups the 35. Portra UC is the film. Putting the flash on a bracket would help a lot with the shadows.
Good luck.


Hi Gang,
I've once again unwisely volunteered to do the pictures at the wedding of a
friend. He and she have both assured me the ceremony will be low key, etc.,
etc, but he's also just informed me that almost 40 relatives from her home
country of Belize will be here on Saturday-- so I do feel somewhat pressured
to make sure everything goes well.

I also have just realized that I no longer have a 28-70 2.8 lens, having
sold the one I had do to lack of use.

Even though I have no other zoom in that range, I have several choices on
how to proceed:

The PZ 1, with the AF 500ftz so that I can have the best possible range of
power and TTL Flash possibilities, and if I go that route, my choices of AF
lenses would be:
the 24/2
the 35/2,
the 50/1.7.

The other option I was thinking of was my super program, with the AF 280T,
and in that case, I would have my SMC 35-105 zoom, and lots of manual focus
primes. I'd still get TTL flash, but not quite as powerful as the 500 ftz.

Of course, I could still use the 35-105 on the PZ 1.

I guess all this rambling should be condensed to: should I use the zoom
lens, or maybe I'd do fine with 3 or 4 primes that I could switch around...
I'm thinking the necessity of having to use manual focus should not be a
problem, since my subjects won't be moving too fast to not be able to get
them focused...

Just hoping not to screw this up...

Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of using Portra 400 VC instead of NC. Any
comments on film, too?

Sid B

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