Sure.  Either by exaggerating the actual depth or, when you can't get away with this 
because the numbers are established and known, by "forgetting" facts that most people 
will not miss.



> Fra: Dan Matyola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think that all over the world, figure like this get exaggerated by 
> folks promoting the local wonders.
> Jostein wrote:
> >I think it must be down to incomplete research. 
> >The largest lake in Norway, Mjøsa, would come in 9th on that list 
> >with it's 430 meters. There are at least 10 lakes in Norway deeper 
> >than that. Also, there are some lakes in central Europe that should 
> >be on the list I think, like lake Geneva and some of the North 
> >Italian lakes.
> >
> >Also, IIRC, the figure on lake Nyasa, or Lake Malawi as it's official 
> >name is now, is about 200m too high. OTOH, there's at least one other 
> >volcanic lake in the Congo basin that should be on the list. It's 
> >name escapes me, but FYI I'm thinking of a lake that caused havoc a 
> >decade ago when it burped a huge cloud of carbon dioxide that drifted 
> >down a valley and killed several thousand people.
> >
> >Oh, well. Time to put the Limnologist in me back to sleep.
> >

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