I wasn't implying that you were bragging or wrong about the depths of Norwegian lakes. I was just pointing out that tourist bureaus, chambers of commerce and similar organizations somtimes spread claims that have not been properly documented, out of a sense on local pride and a lack of fact-checking resources.

Jostein wrote:

On 30 Jul 2003 at 17:58, Dan Matyola wrote:

I think that all over the world, figure like this get exaggerated by folks promoting the local wonders.

Sorry, I didn't mean to go bragging about the virtues of Norwegian freshwater supplies. My point was merely to give some support to my statement about them doing insufficient research into the matter before publishing the website. Had I been at home, I could have looked up the matter in my textbooks on limnology.

However, I don't think my memory is that rusty, since I apparently got the figures for both Baikal and Tanganyika almost right. :-)

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