Well, since I posted the link. I take that as a grave insult. Cotty, if that
guy is still hanging around, reach over and slap him for me, then have a
drink with him for me too <grin>

Actually, I posted the first link that came up in google, figuring anyone
who wanted more accurate information could do their own search. By the way,
if you have a problem with the information in that link, complain to the US
government (it is their website) not me.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jostein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Lakes that are deep - Letter from Scotland - Day 3

> On 30 Jul 2003 at 17:58, Dan Matyola wrote:
> > I think that all over the world, figure like this get exaggerated by
> > folks promoting the local wonders.
> >
> Sorry, I didn't mean to go bragging about the virtues of Norwegian
> freshwater supplies. My point was merely to give some support to my
> statement about them doing insufficient research into the matter
> before publishing the website. Had I been at home, I could have
> looked up the matter in my textbooks on limnology.
> However, I don't think my memory is that rusty, since I apparently
> got the figures for both Baikal and Tanganyika almost right. :-)
> cheers,
> Jostein
> --
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