
WR> With all due respect, is it really appropriate to call someone who disagrees
WR> with your opinion either an asshole of a fucker?
WR> History, or perhaps a world court, will, at some point, determine whether
WR> the war on Iraq was needed, ethical, necessary or legal.
WR> I don't think we will determine it here though.

WR> William Robb

You're perfectly right. It is also as much inappropriate to insult a
father whose son just lost two feet in line of duty. I really see no
reason whatsoever why all this (your favorite curse word here)
discussion should take place.

I suppose that the only responses that Bob should have received should
have been those of sympathy and support. To me he is first of all a
fellow human and a fellow PDMLer, not the member of some (your yet
another favorite curse word here) political group.

Apparently this discussion does take place and I am writing this
message. It really saddens me.

Boris Liberman

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