Mark Roberts wrote:

> frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I've never seen so few messages as I have in the last day, especially
> >overnight.  I think there were two or three.  Don't tell me everyone's
> >out taking pictures! <g>
> Well I was on Sunday. Burned a ton of film on the most amazing
> outcropping of fungus I've ever seen. I spotted it in a park on Saturday
> while out for a run. It's this bright orange fungus that grows on
> decaying trees and the like.

Sounds like sulpher shelf - yum!   One of the 4 that  are safe (really hard
to confuse with anything else, let alone anything dangerous.)   -  and
but don't eat it yet :)  (I know, I know, you weren't going to anyway.)
also called Chicken of the woods.  (yeah, "tastes like chicken")

However if your orange ones look like regular musrooms and are orange,
stay a way those are Jack-O-Lanterns and NOT recommended for food :)

Hurry up and post a snap, will ya?  Then I'll come over for dinner...


> It was so bright and there was so much of
> it I first thought someone had discarded a load of colored plastic or
> something. I returned on SUnday in nice, overcast lighting. Hope I've
> done it justice but I won't be able to pick up the slides until tomorrow
> to find out.
> --
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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