Mark Roberts wrote:
> Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Slides? Are you primarily a slide person? I guess I should pay more attention...
> About 95% of what I shoot is slides.
> > If you are, we need to talk...
> OK :)

Time I got around to answering this...

I used to love slides, and took all kinds, from 110s up thru 2 1/4
square. Years ago.
I still have an almost brand new Agfa Reflecta Diamator A projector,
stored in the top of the clothes closet for the past many years...
But, print film has taken over, and I guess it's because of what we do
with the images we take.
Mine are, without exception, all for personal enjoyment and sharing with
friends and family.
Hauling out the projector became a real chore, and, perhaps my fault, I
used to show everything, instead of culling severely... No editing. A
mistake if you want to keep a  viewer's attention.

Anyhow, the one reason I don't shoot slides today is the heavy inconvenience.
One just doesn't show slides anymore (well, I don't anyhow.)
"Hey! C'mon over tonight, Gerri and I are going to be showing our Hawaii pictures!"
Uh huh... 
"Uhhh, what do you mean, 'showing?'"
You can't take your slide projector to a restaurant or a bar.

All of which (maybe) points to needing a way to view slides different
from what I have. At least that comes to mind as a potential solution.

Also, unless slides are the desired end product, what about prints, for
sharing or particularly sending to family out of state?
Is printing from slides as costly as it once was? Very time consuming,
waiting for the photo shop to send them to a Kodak place...

How about converting to digital? I know nothing at all about costs or
the inconvenience factors associated therewith.

Maybe if I did some selling of my slides, I'd have an entirely different viewpoint.
I suspect almost all of yours fall in that category, and we really have
no needs or wants in common, except for a love of photography!  <grin>

I think I'll end up continuing to think of slides as beautiful way to
record images, but a millstone for sharing purposes.

Later,  keith whaley

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