Hi Flavio -

At 02:12 PM 3/6/01 +0100, you wrote:

you know I'm already sold so I can get straight to my advice: I'd lay
aside camera and scanner now, and start studying some entomology and
insect's classification.

The only important thing missing there is exact scientific/common names
for your subjects, IMO. That would add the final touch to your already
pro-level images and site.

What do you think?

A very good suggestion - and given the number of mistakes I have in ID'ing the insects (some of which are down right embarrassing) doing that would certainly help the presentation quite a bit.

But one thing that really surprises me is how many species of insects there are and how difficult it can be to get even family level ID's. I swapped several emails with a taxonomic entomologist at the USDA which helped a lot,but in some cases without having an actual specimen they can't refine the ID much at all.

Thanks for your suggestion!

- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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