Hi All, 
I may just be the most well-stocked photog man on the prowl here at the
halls of pdml-- and I use every one, at least occasionally. But I am
completely an amateur (both financially and talent-wise...)

Starting with the oldest to the newest.

Yashica D TLR medium format. The camera I used as a loaner to start my
career as a photographer, when I was in the 4H club as a wee lad decades
ago. That very camera was given to me as a gift a couple of years ago. I use
it as my mentoring camera, when I "train" young photographers who ask for
additional help, after I do presentations on basic exposuring and
composition for local high school students.

A Kowa 6 medium format (6cm x 6cm) format system.- This is a very nice
camera, and I have 5 very nice lenses for this guy. I used to do all my
medium format infrared landscapes with this camera, but since I got my
pentax 6x7 system, its been sitting, and I've given serious consideration to
selling the system, though I cringe at the thought of selling it for pennies
on the dollar, which Kowa stuff has been doing lately on ebay.

A pentax 6x7 system. My newest stuff. I have the 55mm lens, the 75, the 105,
the 150 and the 200. Most of the lenses are the oldest versions, a couple
are super-tak 6x7s, but all of them, and the very early non-mirror lock-up
body are superb picture takers. I spent way too much money (though in terms
of pentax 6x7 equipment, I spent way under "fair market value")
But, the landscapes, the portraits I've taken with this (so-far) under-used
camera are far superior in terms of image quality and ease-of-printing than
any I've ever made before, including all 35mm, and medium format I've had
experience with.

A Spotmatic F. Stays loaded with Kodak HIE infrared film, and it has an
opaque wratten filter (89b) mounted between the film rails behind the
shutter curtain. I shoot infrared portraiture and landscapes. This might be
my most used camera. About 2 or 3 rolls a month.

A BEAUTIFUL chrome ES II. In drop dead mint condition, it stays loaded with
plus-x or pan-f plus or FP4+. But I only shoot it to keep it in working
condition. And I'm very very careful not to add any blemishes to its
mark-free condition. One of the cameras I'll not part with, except upon my
death or an offer for an obscene amount of money. I have the full complement
of SMC tak lenses, but my favorite is the 35/2. That particular lens is also
unique: when I bought it a couple of years ago, it was brand new, in all its
original packaging, and I dare say it may have never been outside of its box
before I opened it.

A shiny ES. This is the one I've shown off to the list before: was a black
paint ES, that I disassembled, and took all the paint off the top and bottom
plates, and shined up the brass to a mirror finish, then lacquer coated them
to keep 'em shiny. Very unusual-looking and quite a head-turner. I keep this
camera loaded with 400 speed black and white film, like HP5+ or Tri-x,
sometimes Tmax.

A Beautiful black paint electro spotmatic. One of the early ones with the
name spelled out. This one is also in dead mint condition, not a bit of
paint missing, no blemishes at all. I keep velvia and a ring flash attached
to this one, and very occasionally, it accompanies me out to the orchid
greenhouse for photos of my latest phalenopsis or vanadium, oncidium or
catelaya. Like the ES II chrome I have, a collector's piece, hopefully a
treasure for one of my heirs or a rich collector...

Then we get to my K2s... I have 2 silver K2s, and two black paint K2s, and
two K2DMDs. I use these cameras extensively, either for infrared landscapes,
or for T-grain standard black and white, usually either Delta 100 (wow, what
a film!) or 400, and sometimes the Tmax films. I do at least a roll per week
between these cameras, and they all are within easy reach when I'm headed
out the door. I actually had even more K2s, but I've sold 4 of them in the
last few months.

The super program. My "wedding camera" backup plan, mostly. Though I enjoy
mounting it to the motor drive, attaching the AF280T with a lumiquest bounce
attachment (along with the flash bracket thing that raises it about 8 inches
above the camera) and going out in public and watching the heads turn. Its a
great picture taking machine, and at festivals and football games, its a
great candid people recorder.

And finally, my PZ 1s. I have two, and these are my machines for shooting
football games for my university newspaper and yearbook, whom I work for, as
the official "sports" photographer. (A job that gives me access to the
sidelines and some spare change as I complete my college education very very
slowly...) They work great, loaded with tri-x rated at 800, I shoot either a
tamron 400/5.6 or an old SMC tak 300/4. I don't feel envious at all being
surrounded by F5s and D100s. Except for the preview and review, and ability
to shoot say, 7 frames in one second, I don't miss having what they have.

OH, and thanks to Stan Halpin, I will soon have the one item I've never had
made by pentax, an LX....

I may be forgetting a body or two, but, like I said, I am "well-outfitted."

Greetings from South Louisiana
Sid B

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