Hi all.
I plan to put an SF-1 and Sigma 100-300af on ebay soon.I now have some time to be able 
and reply to any emails.
Some may remember i had a problem with 3-4 rolls of film out of the 20 odd that i 
odd frame 
had what looked like a light leak ,but the lab i used thought it was at his end as he 
the same 
problem with other customers film,and they use mostly the P&S and throw a ways.
I took in in for a thorough check to a reliable camera repair store i use,and they 
no evidence of 
bad foam mislined catches etc.I still have the receipt for that.
I plan to put this caveat in the ad,and sell it a little cheaper than one that is 
known to
be in perfect 
shape,but i'v never sold anything on ebay,should i sell AS IS with no reserve or could 
be put on it.

See they problems when your honest.<g>

Any sales help is appreciated.


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