Andre Langevin schrieb:
> What are the relative noise level of PZ-1p and MZ-S for shutter +
> winding (compared to SF-1n and MZ-5n cameras I already know as a
> reference)?

Hello Andre!

That's not an easy question!
I would not only take the absolute noise level into account but also the
pitch of the winding sound.
MZ-S and MZ-5n/3 are on a comparable level, but the pitch of the MZ-S
seems to be a bit higher - perhaps due to the slightly higher framerate.

The Z1-p has the most pleasant sound - at least to my ear.
It sounds most solid, simply inspiring confidence. 
Whereas people may find its mirror slap louder than the MZ's , the
deeper pitch of the motordrive
at 4 fps makes it more enjoyable to "listen" to...

Just my two Eurocents...

SF-1n or SF-Xn; I'm sorry - I never saw one.
Ah, and then there is the LX at 5 fps, but that's a different monster

All the best,

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