
Just by the way, getting a critique on one photographs should help
them to extract more from their equipment and learn/advance a
technique they are using.

So, at least by the above reason we might need to increase PUG
critique volume <grin and duck>.


===8<==============Original message text===============
LW> I've gotten into commenting on the PUG here on PDML in the
LW> last few months.  Let's face it, the _vast_ majority of PDML
LW> posts are technoweenie posts, and I'm as guilty as anyone.

LW> But the PUG shots let us see a different side of each other:
LW> The camera-eye side.  And that is very nifty.  I agree with
LW> AnnaSan that PUG comments should be a bigger part of the PDML.

LW> Ann Sanfedele wrote:
>> "Daniel J. Matyola" wrote:
>>>Actually, there is very little comment on the PUG sumissions any more,
>>>compared to what occured some time ago.  I think that more comments from more
>>>PDMLers would be beneficial to all concerned, even if the comments got a bit
>>>"nasty" at times.  We're all adults, capable of submitting photos to a
>>>"professional" themed gallery, and we can take criticism that is base on
>>>photographic ideas and values.
>> We don't really know there are not a lot of comments -- remember people can
>> comment directly to the photographers individually.  I think, on the whole, that
>> is
>> a much better idea.
>> annsan

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