>I think such a loosely organized critique circle might be fun to start up 
though.  Anyone interested?


Sure. But one little hitch. I organize a critique sort of board in another 
realm, another genre -- one that gives out assignments. And believe me the 
little hitch isn't that little, getting people to follow through. I keep telling 
people I am not their Mom and hate nagging, but push come to shove I just about 
always have to do follow-up letters nagging them to complete their reviews. 
(Well, 90-99% of the time, some just do it.) (We are talking reviews of hobbyist 
computer games here, BTW.)

Maybe just encouraging people to do some comments is better. Like, say, you 
do some comments, I do some, others do some, and just put at the end of our 
posts a general call for more comments. Hey, I did some, you do some too!

I find just picking out 5-8-10 is best. Hard to do them all.

And sometimes I hesitate because I am not an experienced photographer and my 
comments tend to be more toward color balance and composition, and sort of 
arty, but no technical stuff. And probably uninformed.

But I figure people like feedback, even if brief or not what they 
particularly wanted to hear about their stuff.

I have noticed, since I've been on the list, that people usually, actually 
get more comments when they post a URL to their latest stuff than when they 
submit things to the PUG. Comments on submissions to the PUG are hit and miss. 
Maybe 30 people submitted, but only 8-10 got comments ;-). But posting URLs, just 
about everyone gets a comment or two.

Anyway, if you want to organize something feel free, frank, but I recommend 
not volunteering for something that may become more of a headache than you 

Maybe just a general call for more PUG comments at the end of one's post of 
comments would be best.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

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