>So what is that Pentax announced a forthcoming DSLR 2 1/2 years ago.
We are not talking about a delay of a few weeks here, but a few years.

>William Robb

And none of us are getting any younger either. For me, about my own decision 
to wait about a year, sometimes I wonder if I will die (heart attack, get hit 
by a truck) before I get a DSLR.

For the interim I got a 2mp digital P&S for shooting stuff for ebay. Sort of 
fun. But tiny with lots of functions. Sort of confusing too. Feels like a 
tinker toy, although the images (for what they are) appear okay. But I may rethink 
this DSLR thing. Having second thoughts about various aspects of it -- 
resolution and break down/bug potential, storage problems, etc. OTOH, if I do wait 
about a year, there should be more DSLR offerings at lower prices and maybe 
more improvements. (I am not basing my initial somewhat negative reactions on the 
2mp part, more on my experience as a computer programmer.)

Marnie aka Doe :-)

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