The * is the thing. Originally (the M300/4.0) the * meant that the lens contained exotic glass (or non-glass) elements. Now it just seems to mean it is the top of the line, as many of the special things it meant, like aspheric elements, are now even in cheap lens. On the other hand, some of the things folks get excited about now-a-days, like internal focusing, make the new lens less sharp than the old lens. Internal focusing however does take a lot of the load off the focusing motor for faster focusing.

Alan Chan wrote:

o) They are faster than non-FA* lenses.

Not aware of. FA*85/1.4 is no faster than A*85/1.4. FA*300/4.5 is the same as F*300/4.5, and slower than any M/A 300/4.

o) They are sharp (at least, the ones I own are).

FA*24/2 is not particular sharp, and my 2 samples perform the same. FA*85/1.4 is great at close distance (1-3m), but sucks at near infinity or with extension tubes.

o) Their build quality is generally very solid.

Basically yes, except the silly window frame which is actually worse than regular FA lenses.

My best 35mm hand-held shots have been with my FA* 85mm F1.4
lens.  It is a _wonderful_ indoor portrait/action lens.
Images shot wide-open are very smooth and have a certain
glow to them that I really like.  That said, I haven't had
a chance to compare this lens to, say, the 85mm F1.8

Ironically, I have never been able to obtain very sharp result when handholding the FA*85/1.4. I guess it has to do with the balance. No such problem with the FA77/1.8.

Alan Chan

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