I know it's not quite the same, but that's exactly why I bought my M-42
SMC Takumar 105mm f/2.8.
This is a jewel of a lens, and no imposition to any sort of use. Small
and capable.

Goes with me most places I go. Of course, I always have an M-42 to K
adapter in my kit [doesn't everyone?] and it's most useful...

keith whaley

graywolf wrote:
> Which is why I bought your M100/2.8, Stan. Somehow my Tokina ATX
> 80-200/2.8 did not seem to be the lens to use for steet portraits.
> Stan Halpin wrote:
> >
> > As others have noted, it is heavy. However, it does have a tripod mount
> > which, combined with a monopod, makes it quite usable for long periods. It
> > is big, gets a lot of attention, and could be intimidating. Probably not a
> > choice for stealth street candids.
> --
> graywolf
> http://graywolfphoto.com

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