
first a 'thank you' for all your advise in this 300 f/2.8 thread!
I've cut out some pieces of your posts to comment...

Antti-Pekka Virjonen schrieb:
> I've gotten
> perfect handheld shots at 1/250s with my Z-1 and LX cameras.
> Sometimes I use the A* 300/2.8 together with the A 2X-L
> teleconverter, also handheld, with great results.

Cotty schrieb:
> Thomas, I used to have a manual focus Tokina 300 2.8 - it is heavy, but
> not impossible at all to handhold - but then a again, I'm a big guy. Much
> better on a monopod.

So most of you think, it's quite a task, but not impossible.
Perhaps I should get to a shop to try it out.
I know one about 150 miles from here ...

Mark Erickson schrieb:
> I'm going to go ahead say that if you are otherwise happy with your F* 300mm
> F4.5 lens, you might be better off spending 1.800 EUR on a *ist-D body
> rather than on a 300mm F2.8 lens.  From what I've seen, the *ist-D image
> samples at ISO 200, 400, and 800 look pretty darn good.

I would say, I am perfectly happy with my F*300/4.5 lens - in fact, when
you look at it:
Grain is the issue, not the f/2.8 versus f/4.5 ...
So I should be patient and first wait for the *ist-Dee. I pre-ordered
one in mid-september, but they still didn't show up in this area of

During the last weeks I did a lot of aeromodel-sports shooting mostly on
Fuji Superia X-tra ISO400 and Kodak Supra ISO800 - and now I'm sitting,
The shots will be used for the sport's association newsletter and the
web - digital would be just fine.
I am happy it's just a hobby. So I don't have to earn money with this, I
have no short deadlines etc...
On the other hand it's more difficult to justify such pricey purchases
like a DSLR. 
Well, at least my wife is supporting me - she has a MZ-5n and for the
most part is also keen on new lenses or a digital body .
But if I'd show up with this FA 300/2.8 monster, she'd like to know how
much I've been dumping exactly for that baby. 
No excuses like "oh, but this is only my old Sigma 600mm mirror lens...I
do have it since the eighties...hasn't seen much use recently, hasn't
it? Hehe..."
No no, this won't function...so I'd better be able to underline the

Paul Eriksson schrieb:
> What about a tamron?  I have the AF version described in this ebay auction
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2954172301&category=48558
> .  I've had it for a couple of months and I can't fault it...

Oh, I didn't know they were making one for Pentax in AF.
What did you pay for this one? 
Am I right assuming that it isn't to be sold anymore? 

Thanks again all,


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