Well that surely explains a few things. It's time to change this darned AOL 
site. I'm getting ready to do a real web site with Frontpage that will 
hopefully solve these problems. Anyways thanks for the comments. Wendy...

Hi Vic,
Whenever I've gone to have a look, the page had been very slow loading and 
when I've clicked to get a bigger image then nothing has come up. This 
time, I just  waited and something eventually popped up.
Maybe that's the reason people haven't been commenting or maybe it's 
because they look more like sketches than photographs.
Anyway, they are very impressive. The lion looks better when viewed larger. 
The thumbnail doesn't do it justice. The tiger (2nd row) is the one that 
strikes me first but I really like what you've done with the wolves 
(probably beacuse the 2nd one looks like my dog!). How long does it take 
you to produce an image like that? How much is photoshop and how much is 
painter? I've only just noticed that on some pages you have a before and 
after. I must say, the before shots look like paintings too! You wouldn't 
know that they were taken at the zoo. I'd like to see those jst a tad bigger.


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