On 15 Oct 2003 at 9:16, Doug Franklin wrote:

> 2) the difference between the "random" distribution of film grains
> compared to the rigidly defined distribution of sensor pixels means
> that the aberration artifacts get distributed around randomly on film
> and therefore diffused, but end up as lines of artifacts on the digital
> sensor, which makes them more recognizable to the human visual system

>Also since the discrete pixels of the actual sensor are positioned in a 
matrix colour aberrations are generally exaggerated by the demosaicing 

>Rob Studdert

Egad! I actually understand the above. Egad! ;-)

Hmmm, this means it's hard to know ahead of time which lenses will work well 
with a DSLR. Because film may not indicate real chromatic aberration problems. 

Marnie aka Doe  I mean the lens might appear to be fine with film, but oops...

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