Yeah, its very good for 3200.

In colour I don't like the colour speccling you get on the grain though.
I found changing it to B&W makes it far more acceptable.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cesar Matamoros II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 16 October 2003 13:40
> Subject: RE: *istD vs. Digital Rebel
> I did a couple of shots when I handled a pre-production 
> model.  I never posted since I was asked not to.
> But from those shots I was quite pleased.  I use 3200 quite 
> often when I shoot wedding ceremonies (b&w prints) and as 
> such am quite used to the grain.  I can understand why it is 
> a custom function to use it as most people would shrink away 
> from it and think the camera was broken.
> Just my two cents, and still trying to catch up,
> César
> Panama City, Florida
> -- -----Original Message-----
> -- From: Bill Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:23 AM
> --
> -- I've done a few test shots at ISO 3200 in the *istD.  As you
> -- say, if you
> -- need the speed, the noise is not that objectionable, and
> -- really no worse
> -- than grain in film.
> --
> -- Bill
> --
> -- ----- Original Message -----
> -- From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -- Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:01 AM
> -- Subject: Re: *istD vs. Digital Rebel
> --
> --
> -- >
> -- >
> -- > Rob Brigham wrote:
> -- > >
> -- > [. . .]
> -- >
> -- > > BTW anyone wondering about the noise in my sample pics
> -- for this test -
> -- > > it was shot at 1600ISO!!  I notice reducing the exposure
> -- in the RAW
> -- > > software actually made the noise a lot better too,
> -- something that again
> -- > > the jpg adjustments couldn't do - and not something I expected.
> -- >
> -- > Seems to me, anytime you feel you have to or want to
> -- resort to an ISO of
> -- > 1600, a little noise is a very minor price to pay,
> -- especially if there's
> -- > a relatively simple way to reduce it.
> -- > 1600 ISP with a digital... marvelous!  <g>
> -- >
> -- > keith
> --

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