On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, mike wilson wrote:
> My (presently) biggest gripe with digital imaging is the cost.  For a
> process that is not significantly better, except in immediacy of
> results, I am expected to pay a very significant premium?  No, thank
> you.  I can do almost the same thing by buying a film scanner for about
> 1/5th of the price.

I moved away from film scanning a few years ago after getting sick one
last time of dealing with dust on the slides.  I really did like
shooting slides and viewing them, but scanning them with anything less
than a $1000 scanner just wasn't producing decent results.  I don't
know if prices for good scanners have come down and maybe that has
changed.  I was using a Nikon LS1000.

I think my photography has improved as a result of using digital for a
few years because I can preview right away and tweak the image by
taking it again in a slightly different manner.  The knowledge that
I've picked up from this would probably carry over to film too.

The only film that I expect I would shoot anymore is if my *ist D
died on a trip, or if I was going somewhere that required I carried
the smallest camera possible and then I would take my Ricoh GR-1.


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